FAQ (Frequently asked questions)Do you do prints?
Not currently, but soon.
Do you take commissions.
Are your paintings for sale?
They are. If you are a collector, make an offer using contact in the navigation panel.
What tools do you use to make your art?
I made a document for that.
What inspires your art?
Technically inclined music including but not limited to: breakcore, PC music, A.G. Cook, Sophie Xeon, Venetian Snares, pilotredsun, Aphex Twin.
I don’t get a lot of inspiration from visual media as much as music, because my art is more so a transmution of what I hear in music.
Do you do collaborations?
Very rarely.
How have I never heard of you before?
I don’t like showing my art in galleries for the most part. More people see my art online within niche communities like r/cassettefuturism or r/vintagecomputing, than in person.
Where are you located?
San Francisco
How long does it take you to make a design?
Couple of hours.
How long does it take to paint a design?
From the canvas stretching to the gesso to paint, drawing the designs over the paint, about a week.
How big are your paintings?
40”x60”x1.25”, or 1mx1.5mx3.175cm.
Sometimes 36”x60”.